Mon 27 Jan
No need for speed, come and see me and let EVEry minute beYOURS! - 24
(Salt Lake City, SLC and Taylorsville)
now you have seen the rest so Come see the best ->in a private studio or resident. - 27
(Salt Lake City, murray)
No need for speed, come and see me and let EVEry minute beYOURS! - 23
(Salt Lake City, private ;) or Outcall)
LUNA and IRIE 4 hands.. 2 for 1 donate 150 the best body rubs, no spa rules! private Studio. - 22
(Murrayslc, Salt Lake City)
n e wP I C S= EXOTIC BLONDE READY 2 PLEASE U NOW!! working late beat the heat - 200
(Salt Lake City)
.. Let Us Rub Your Stress Away .. 2 Girls.. 4 Hands .. Ohhh La La Tiffany && Mia - 21
(Murray/Private Studio)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
Ready for a GREAT massage from a BEAUTIFUL, ATHLETIC, and CLASSY girl? (trade considered) - 22
(Salt Lake City, Located near state and 3300 S)
Sat 11 Jan
READY - FOR- MORE- P L E A S U R E- N- SATISFACTION- l o o k - n o - m o r e working late - 200
(Salt Lake City)
$100 Special ~Slip Away 4 The ULTIMATE BodyRub~Three More Weeks Only~Catch The Snowbird B4 She Flies - 37
(Salt Lake City, 800 e 200 s)
Fri 10 Jan
*¨¨*•- :¦:-•*★*• Relax★°• Unwind.•°★ Delightfuly Soothing Touch ★ *¨¨*•- :¦:-•* - 24
(Salt Lake City)
Best massage in TOWN!! Talented, fun, and sexy! (trade considered) - 22
(Salt Lake City, 3300s and appx state salt lake city)
Hot Blonde Vixen WIth An Amazing Touch To Amaze You! @@@@NEW NUMBER! NEW NUMBER@@@@NEW PICS!!! - 29
(Salt Lake City)
Thu 09 Jan
8am-7pm~All Nude Fullbody, Soft, Slow, Slippery, SpineTIingling~ Skilled/Experienced - 38
(Salt Lake City, 12300 South/ 100 East)
100-120-140 ~ Spine Tingling, Toe Curling, Eyes Rolling Back Kinda Service~All Nude~ Short Notice Ok - 38
(Salt Lake City, 12300 south near I-15 ~Private Residence)
2 GIRL body therapy! TODAY ONLY *Sexy Sweet Sensational* Let us spoil you! also open LATE! - 21
Wed 08 Jan
PERFECT massage from the PERFECT girl! Talented. Fun. Sexy. KRIS (trade considered) - 22
(Salt Lake City, 3300 S near State)
Ready for a GREAT massage from a BEAUTIFUL, ATHLETIC, and CLASSY girl? (trade considered) - 22
(Salt Lake City, 3300 s near state)
$100 Special ~Slip Away 2 My Place 4A Spine Tingling, Toe Curling, Eyes Rolling Back Kind Of Service - 37
(Salt Lake City, 800 east 200 south)
Ready for a GREAT massage from a BEAUTIFUL, ATHLETIC, and CLASSY girl? (trade considered) - 23
(Salt Lake City, Trolley Square OR near state and 3300 S)
Slip Away 2A Very Private Place 4A Spine Tingling, Toe Curling, Eyes Rolling Back Kind Of Rubdown - 37
(Salt Lake City, 800 e 200 s)
Tue 07 Jan