Mon 27 Jan
🙋🏽New Busty ASIAN 💁🏽👄You won't Regret Booking😻😘 - 22
(Layton IN - O/C Everywhere, Logan, Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City)
mischeviously amazing... come find out for yourself , which one you'd prefer? Naught.y or Nice? - 26
(Salt Lake City, anywhere)
NEW PICS !Alex The Great..Come see how relaxed you will be with this Beauty. - 21
(Salt Lake City, Incall/Outcall SLC,PARKCITY,PROVO,OGDEN)
💋💎Lexi💕🌟H℮R℮ ΤΟ 💎 βℓΟω 🌟γΟυr 💎ΜιηD 💋 ✯ ✯✯✯✯ ●EvErYtHiNg YoU DeSiRe aNd MoRe●💋 - 24
(Anywhere and everywhere, Salt Lake City)
LEt me maKe your mOndAY beTtEr!! CalL nOw!! LAtinA boMbShEll!! CAll NoW!!! - 24
(Salt Lake City, Anywhere u are)
LaTiNa AngEl♡♥SpeCiAl FlAt RaTeS! CoMe See Me NoW! Real Pics!★☆★ - 25
(Salt Lake City, anywhere u are)
Sun 26 Jan
🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥801-486-1210💚❤️💚new asian girls new feeling🧿🧿good service💚❤️💚friendly🧿🧿professional skill💚❤️💚relax body and mind🧿🧿
(71 West 2100 South, SLC)
Sun 12 Jan
LEaVing tOwn foR tWo weEks! LAsT chAnce SpeciAls!!- FeElinG luCkY?!! LAtinA boMbShEll!! CAll NoW!!! - 24
(Salt Lake City, Anywhere u are)
Sat 11 Jan
Specials!! Leaving out of Town for Awhile! See me While u CaN! 20$ OFf FLAT RATES,!! CALL NOW - 25
(Salt Lake City, anywhere u are)
💋💋💋 Se.x...X...xy COSTUME SEASON💋💋💋HAPPY HaLLoWeeN new pics! - 26
(Salt Lake City, Downtown incall/ anywhere out)
💋💋💋 Se.xy NEW PICS 💋💋💋 TALL Mediterranean GODDESS. NOW offering Sensual NURU sessions! Must TRY! - 26
(Salt Lake City, Downtown incall/ anywhere out)
💕🌟H℮R℮ ΤΟ 💎 βℓΟω 🌟γΟυr 💎ΜιηD 💋 ✯ ✯✯✯✯ ●EvErYtHiNg YoU DeSiRe aNd MoRe●💋 - 24
(Anywhere and everywhere, Salt Lake City)
ThIs LaTiNa WiLl MelT YoUr IcE!! CoMe aRm Up WiTh Me! SpEcIaLs Call Now! - 23
(Salt Lake City, anywhere u are)
♥♥GET SOUTHERN best RACK♥♥mutual touching 24/7no tip req no upsaleDOUble thePLEasure today!! - 30
(Salt Lake City, incallcottonwoodheights outcall anywhere)
5'11" Tall Brunette BOMBSHELL. A booty & leg mans DREAM!! - 25
(Salt Lake City, Anywhere you desire)
Fri 10 Jan
.*¨¨*-:SeXy, pLaYFuL, SeNsUaL, PeTiTe, GoRgEoUs, BrUnEttE * sPeCiAL pRiCe aN hOuR oNLy $60.*¨¨*- - 23
(DoWnToWn LoCaTiOn)
FLAT RATE SPECIAL!! GoRgEouS seXy and Fun LaTina Bombshell! Let me treat you! CALL NOW! - 25
(Salt Lake City, anywhere u are)
YoUr LatInA DrEam! ! ComE RelAX wItH tHe FinesT! SpeCiaLs FoR FreAky FriDay!! Call Now! - 24
(Salt Lake City, Anywhere u are)
💗💕 TALL💗💕 TAN💗💕 SUPERMODEL 💗💕 Slc VIP provider, highly reviewed! New pics! - 25
(Salt Lake City, Salt lake / anywhere out)
Hot oil Hot bed HOTT blonde!!! Come see NIKKI for one a Slc's most talked about massages - 20
(Salt Lake City)
100% rEaL pIcTureS!! ItS mY biRtHdAY wEekEnd!!LAtina BEAUty!!!caLl nOw!!!dIscOunTed rAtes!! - 24
(Salt Lake City, Anywhere u are)
*Available for outcalls anywhere in SLC! Nautica will be there to take care of all your needs! ;)* - 26
(Salt Lake City, West Jordan Incalls, Outcalls Anywhere.)
→◆☆all New Photo◆ ☆←¤º♡♥Amazing ALEX The GREAT Darling will melt&soothe; ur ♥, mind, body & soul. - 21
(Salt Lake City, Incall/Outcall SLC,PARKCITY,PROVO,OGDEN)
HOSPITALITY AND COMFORT OF THE SOUTH.24\7 10% off No upsale or tip req - 29
(Salt Lake City, travel anywhere inutah incall cottonwood)
Thu 09 Jan
SOUTHERN 24\7 10% off No upsale or tip req - 29
(Salt Lake City, travel anywhere inutah incall cottonwood)
FirsT oF tHe mOntH SpeCiaL!! ! CoME MaKe It BeTtEr WiTh Me!! SpEcIaLs CaLl NoW!! - 22
(Salt Lake City, anywhere u are)
BeSt BoDy RuB iN ToWn! FuN FliRtY ReJuVenAtInG! LaTiNa SaTiSFiEd ;) - 23
(Salt Lake City, anywhere u are)
☀☀☀✿ BEST IN TOWN !✿☀☀☀GORGEOUS ☀☀☀LUXURIOUS☀☀☀Sweet Smile & Best skill ★★★★★ - 23
(Salt Lake City, Anywhere and everywhere)
SunDaY FuNDaY SPECIAL!! GoRgEouS seXy and Fun LaTina Bombshell! Let me treat you! CALL NOW! - 25
(Salt Lake City, anywhere u are)
RUSSIAN BOMBSHELL with a fit sexy body! BLONDE AND ready to play! 140 FLAT RATE SPECIAL - 23
(Salt Lake City)
I WILL give U heaven W/ my hands! A full SEXY sensual all over body RUB. $100 Special, 100%satisfied - 40
(Salt Lake City, 20 min fr. anywhere. Out west 15 minutes)
Sammy's back for short time come in for a sensual relaxing body to body rub 801 638 910 6 pics upon - 43
(Salt Lake City, Salt lake city / anywhere in the valley)
SatUrDay SpeCiaL! cOmE gEt FreAkY wIth This LatIna BeaUty! 20$ OFf FLAT RATES,!! CALL NOW - 25
(Salt Lake City, anywhere u are)
Wed 08 Jan
💋💋💋 Se.x...X...xy NEW PICS 💋💋💋 TALL Mediterranean GODDESS. - 26
(Salt Lake City, Downtown incall/ anywhere out)
Your EAGER BeaverThe ultiMATE True PROVIDER & PLEASER!! ;) HRYBooking up fast. 100% REALLY ME or its - 24
(Salt Lake City, Priv, discrt house or Anywhere u are)
BeSt RatEs In Town! CoMe ReLaX aNd EnJoY SoMe TiMe WiTh ThIs LaTiNa GoDdEsS! - 23
(Salt Lake City, anywhere u are)
RUSSIAN BOMBSHELL with a fit sexy body! BLONDE AND ready to play! FLAT RATE SPECIAL - 23
(Salt Lake City)
Saturday and sunday specials! only $50 for a hr. come see the sexy ladies at ATG massage - 21
Ready And Waiting to Entice You While Your Stresses Simply Slip Away! - 27
(Salt Lake City, taylorsville 3200w 5400s)
Tue 07 Jan
SeXy BeAuTiFuL LaTiNa ReAdY tO SaTiSfY!! BeSt RaTeS iN ToWn! CaLL NoW! - 23
(Salt Lake City, anywhere u are)
Sexy .... Charming .... Playful .... Beautiful Petite Womens... Elezabeth and Julie - 24
(Your Bed Out Calls Only)
Giving U the Best full Body Rub down, its UR way or Mine,I aim2 please,CALL NOW FOR SPECIAL*INCALL - 40
(Salt Lake City, Near the airport. 15-20MIN from anywhere)
! 100% reAl pIcTurEs!!CalL nOw!! LAtinA boMbShEll!! CAll NoW!!! - 24
(Salt Lake City, Anywhere u are)
Your EAGER Beaver. The ultiMATE True PROVIDER & PLEASER!! ;) HURRY Booking fast!! - 24
(Salt Lake City, Priv&Discrete; in or Anywhere you are)
—*C L A S S Y*———*B E A U T I F U L*—- — - 21
(Salt Lake City, salt lake, part city ,ogden, anywhere)
tUeSdaY special!! ! CoME MaKe It BeTtEr WiTh Me!! SpEcIaLs CaLl NoW!! - 22
(Salt Lake City, anywhere u are)
MoNdAy DrAggInG On? LeT Me MaKe BeTtEr! BeSt RatES In ToWn! Call NoW! - 23
(Salt Lake City, anywhere u are)
Mon 06 Jan
💗💕 TALL💗💕 TAN💗💕 SUPERMODEL 💗💕 Fall is here, Time 4 se.x.x..y costumes! New pics! - 25
(Salt Lake City, SLC in / anywhere out)
Sun 05 Jan
♥♥GET SOUTHERN best RACK♥♥mutual touching 24/7no tip no up sale 10%of early bird & moonlightspecial - 30
(Salt Lake City, incallcottonwoodheights outcall anywhere)
★★Toe Curling Experience From China Call Now For Specials★★ Late Nite Specials★ - 21
(Salt Lake City, Taylorsville INCALL/ ANYWHERE OUTCALL)
Your EAGER Beaver. The ultiMATE True PROVIDER & PLEASER!! ;) HURRY Booking fast!! - 24
(Salt Lake City, Priv&Discrete; in or Anywhere you are)
💋💋💋 World's Se.x...X...xiest, 2 girl 260 diamond Specials!!!💋💋💋5'11 supermodel type! NEW VIDEO! - 26
(Salt Lake City, Downtown incall/ anywhere out)
Come See Me Now ★★ Heaven on Earth★★Late Nite Specials - 22
Sat 04 Jan
《《《☆☆♥SeXy PeTiTe PueRtO RicAn♥☆☆》》》°•○● In/out CaLLs ●○•° ☆▪Come SpoiL Yourself With Me ▪☆ - 23
(Salt Lake City, Anywhere u are☆★)
SuNdAy FuNdAy! SpEcIaL RaTes ToDaY OnlY! CoMe SeE ThIs ExoTiC GoDdEss! - 23
(Salt Lake City, anywhere u are)
CAUTION: We've got looks to kill! Come check out ATG Massage and meet all the sexy girls - 21
Fri 03 Jan