Sat 11 Jan
🌟🌟When you wish upon this STAR your fantasies come true!! 🌟🌟 - 28
(Salt Lake City, salt lake city utah)
////////// FULL Blooded RUssian $QUIRter ////////// Limited time /////////// 80 80 special /////// - 21
(in/out 247)
•♥• LaY BaCk •♥• LaTeNiiGhT KiiNkY SeXy :•:*¨¨*:•. Im HeRe Just 4 YoU :•:*¨¨*:•.( 90$$ ) - 21
(iiN MY BED/1400 e 3600 s)
If you're looking for a TRULY BEAUTIFUL Woman inside and out I'm right HERE WAITING FOR YOU ;-):-* - 24
(Salt Lake City, salt lake city utah)
Fri 10 Jan
Petite, Discreet, Mature ,& Open Minded 10am-6PM Daily 49yrs FUN - 49
(Salt Lake City, Millcreek my personal home)
It's Warm INSIDE :-} Petite, Discreet, Mature ,& Open Minded 8am-8PM Daily 50yrs FUN - 50
(Salt Lake City, Millcreek my personal home)
Don't let the FAKES distract you from a REAL WOMAN right here in SLC!!!! - 24
(Salt Lake City, salt lake city utah)
YUMMY:-} Petite, Discreet, Mature ,& Open Minded 8am-8PM Daily 50yrs FUN - 50
(Salt Lake City, Millcreek my personal home)
♥ •**• GODIVA ~ CHOCOLATE HAITIAN ♥ ♥ BEAUTY ~♥ HERE 4U •* *• ♥ - 19
(in/out salt lake city)
Thu 09 Jan
♡♥♡♥Sexy doesn't just describe how I look!*REAL PICS OF ME*Only serious inquiries PLEASE♡♥♡♥ - 28
(Salt Lake City, salt lake city utah)
•♥• LaY BaCk •♥• ii'll Do All ThE WoRk :•:*¨¨*:•. Im HeRe Just 4 YoU SpeciiaL :•:*¨¨*:•. - 21
(iiN MY BED/1400 e 3600 s)
Wed 08 Jan
ViSiTiNg BeAuTy Is BaCk ♥ Im WaRm, WeT,& WaiTiNg FoR YOU, CuM ~n~ GeT wHaT yOu'Re cRaViN FoR
(Salt Lake City)
** NEW ** N.A.U.G.H.T.Y _______ FUN ______ GiRl _______ Waiting ON yOu Pretty Face!! - 19
(Salt Lake City, Outcall)
Tue 07 Jan
█ ★ SEXY BLONDE!! __________ JUST ARRIVED!! __________ ONE NIGHT ONLY! ★ █ - 26
(Salt Lake City, N SLC in/out ONE NIGHT ONLY!!)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
The high light of your night :) muAHHH Beautiful is bella need I say More!! - 22
(Salt Lake City, salt shake city)
****Merry ChrIstmas!!****Available ALL NIGHT Let this HOT BODY warm you from the inside out**** - 28
(Salt Lake City, salt lake city utah)
Fri 03 Jan
*-:¦:-* —THE—D— E—F—I—N—I—T—I— O—N —— °*•OF•*° —— S—E—X— —Y— *-:¦:-* - 24
(Front Back Upside down whateveris clever, Salt Lake City)
• H O † † € R____ tHeN ___ ŸOuR ____  V € R  G € ____ Ç H I Ç K ____ HOT ____ TRANSEXUAL____ - 24
Thu 02 Jan