Mon 27 Jan
LITE Sensual BODY2BODY Rub VERY EXPERIENCED and ENJOY what I DO call/text SAMMY 801 638-9106 - 44
(In call SL Valley sum out call depending, Salt Lake City)
Sun 12 Jan
HUMP DAY SPECIAL! Treat yourself 2 an AMAZING BODY RUB call/text SAMMY 801 638-9106 - 44
(In call SL Valley sum out call depending, Salt Lake City)
Sat 11 Jan
Are You An ASS MAN Look no Further come see me 4 a lite Sensaul Body2Body Rub call/text Sami 801638-9106 - 44
(+ call SL Valley sum out call depending, Salt Lake City)
Fri 10 Jan
If Your a ASS MAN You Won't Be Disappointed With Me come in 4 Body2Body Rub call/text 801 638-9106 - 44
(+ call SL Valley sum out call depending, Salt Lake City)
Are you a ASS MAN look no further lite SENSUAL BODY2BODY RUB call/text SAMMY 801 638-9106 - 44
(+ call SL Valley sum out call depending, Salt Lake City)
Thu 09 Jan
AVAILABLE @ 8 AM - C Donna Today - 2 Cme CALL 801-347-7944 - 26
(Salt Lake City, sl valley - area - OUT - In West side)
~__U__N__ L__O__C __K __~__ M__Y__~ __G__O __O__D__I__ E__'S__~ __N__ O__W__ - 22
(Salt Lake City, SL Valley)
LIKE AN AMAZING SENSAUL Body2bodu Rub I'm mature experienced ENJOY it call/text SAMMY 801 638-9106 - 44
(In call SL Valley sum out call depending, Salt Lake City)
Sensuous——— ▓█ S—w—€—€—T █▓ ——— Relaxation - 21
(Salt Lake City, SL Valley Outcall / Midvale Incall)
Wed 08 Jan
Are You An ASS MAN Look no Further come see me 4 a lite Sensaul Body2Body Rub call/text Sami 801638- - 44
(+ call SL Valley sum out call depending, Salt Lake City)
If you are a BUTT MAN then you won't be disappointed with me (BODY RUB) SAMMY 801 638-9106 - 44
(In call SL Valley sum out call depending, Salt Lake City)
Slip Away 2A Very Private Place 4A Spine Tingling, Toe Curling, Eyes Rolling Back Kind Of Rubdown - 37
(Salt Lake City, 800 e 200 s)
Tue 07 Jan
M_A_D_E __ o★o° _ F_O_R_ °o★o° _Y_O_U_R_ °o★o° _P_L_E_A _ S_U_R_E!! - 20
(Salt Lake City, SL Valley)
LOOKING 4 A Relaxing Sensual Body2Body Rub with a fun,experienced,women call/text 801 638-9106 SAMMY - 44
(+ call SL Valley sum out call depending, Salt Lake City)
Double YOUR FUN for the price of ONE training New Girl call/text SAMMY 801 638-9106 Ask me about it - 44
(In call SL Valley sum out call depending, Salt Lake City)
Mon 06 Jan
Daily Specials Mature Experienced @ Enjoy What I do SENSAUL BODY2BODY RUB call/text 801 638-9106 SAM - 44
(In call SL Valley sum out call depending, Salt Lake City)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan