Mon 27 Jan
Let me WARM you up in all the right PLACES OPEN LATE - 33
(7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing, Salt Lake City)
It's not too late for you to come get your RUB and TUG!!!!! Open Late - 33
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
Sat 11 Jan
Tired of the same old RUB and TUG? Then try something NEW OPEN LATE - 28
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
I got your back and your front too!!!! Come try Ebony today you will be glad you did - 24
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
Fri 10 Jan
I got your back and your front too!!!! You will love what I can do. - 28
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
Are you tired of the same old Rub and Tug? Early Bird special $60 before noon - 28
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
I got your BACK and Tired of the same OLD RUB and Tug? - 33
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
I got YOUR back and YOUR front TOO!!!!! You will love what I can do - 33
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
I got your BACK and your FRONT too you will love what I can do. Come see my new friend - 33
(7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing, Salt Lake City)
Thu 09 Jan
Tired of the same old RUB and TUG??? OPEN LATE - 33
(7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing, Salt Lake City)
Tired of the same old RUB and TUG??? Come see my New Friend - 33
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
I got your BACK and your FRONT too!!! You will love what i can do. Early bird specials - 33
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
Life rubbing you the wrong way? Come be touched by someone who cares. - 28
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
Let me warm you up in the Right Places You will love me guaranteed!!!!! - 28
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
I got your back and your front too!!!! You will love what I can do. Come see my new friend - 28
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
Simply the best then the rest. Come see my new friend - 27
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
Wed 08 Jan
Woke up stiff ? Then your body needs me!!!! - 28
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
Tue 07 Jan
Tired of the same old RUB and TUG??? Let me release all that unwanted tension and stress away - 33
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
WOKE UP STIFF??? Let me rub you in ALL those SPECIAL places. Come see my ne
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
Woke up Stiff? Then your body needs me!!!! Ask for early morning specials. - 28
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
Mon 06 Jan
Tired of the same old RUB and TUG??? Let me release all that unwanted tension - 33
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
Tired of the same old Rub and Tug? Then try someone New - 28
(Salt Lake City, 7800s 5600w 2 mins from Jordan Landing)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan