Mon 27 Jan
❇ Make it a Super Sexy Sunday with Kaitlyn! ❇ - 29
(Salt Lake City, South Valley, Holladay, East Side)
Sun 12 Jan
RELAX your mind and your body with the BEAUTIFUL women at Zen Spa~ Booking NOW!! - 25
(Salt Lake City, 565 East 4500 South Building A Suite 160)
Sat 11 Jan
amazing NIRVANA from two gorgeous woman NOW - 24
(Salt Lake City, 565 East 4500 South Building A Suite 160)
Bridgette and Isabelle are Ready and Relax you!!! $10 OFF if you do an hour Nirvana or longer! - 24
(Salt Lake City, 565 East 4500 South A-160)
RELAX your mind and your body with the BEAUTIFUL women at Zen Spa~ - 24
(Salt Lake City, 565 East 4500 South Building A Suite 160)
Fri 10 Jan
Pure Pleasure Mutual touch NUDE Tantra EXXperience 100/hh, 125/hr/1 or 200/hr for 2 ladies - 38
(Salt Lake City, downtown SLC east side)
BOOKING NOW - Gorgeous, Athletic, Dancer Frame, Soft and Strong! - 25
(Salt Lake City, East side SLC, millcreek, sugarhouse etc)
:¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: ME - 25
(Salt Lake City, In Your Wildest Fantasies)
Thu 09 Jan
BEACHES has MASTERED the ARt of RELAXATION, come experience a Recharge like youve never imagined - 21
(Salt Lake City, 565 East 4500 South A-160)
RELAXATION at its best! Come get Stress Free with one of these BEAUTIES!! Booking Now! - 23
(Salt Lake City, 565 East 4500 South Building A Suite 160)
Wed 08 Jan
1st time clients- $20 off. Gorgeous, Athletic, Dancer Frame, Soft and Strong! - 25
(Salt Lake City, East side SLC, millcreek, sugarhouse etc)
RELAX your mind and your body with the BEAUTIFUL women at Zen Spa~ Booking NOW!! - 24
(Salt Lake City, 565 East 4500 South Building A Suite 160)
Relaxation at its Finest! Forget your worries and be stress FREE with these BEAUTIES!! - 25
(Salt Lake City, 565 East 4500 South Building A Suite 160)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
Come RELAX away with one of these BEAUTIES, and feel Stress Free~Booking Now! - 24
(Salt Lake City, 565 East 4500 South Building A Suite 160)
Sat 04 Jan
My first time!!! Cute girl in lingerie downtown! Im fun and excited to try this!!! ;) - 32
(east side near lds hospital at my place)
Come RELAX in a serene atmosphere with BEAUTIFUL woman! ~Now Booking~ - 23
(Salt Lake City, 565 East 4500 South Building A Suite 160)
Come in and see why we are the hottest spa in SLC!! New and Improved - 24
(Salt Lake City, 565 East 4500 South A-160)
Fri 03 Jan
Step into Relaxation with our very BEAUTIFUL, very ADDICTING women at Zen Spa~ Booking NOW!! - 25
(Salt Lake City, 565 East 4500 South Building A Suite 160)
come see AMAZING girls who are WONDERFUL at nirvana Booking~ - 24
(Salt Lake City, 565 East 4500 South Building A Suite 160)
Thu 02 Jan