Fri 03 Jan
Happy Hump Day! Get Over Your Hump & RELAX!! Call Knotty Natty Fast & Put Mon/Tues In The Past! - 33
(Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City/downtown)
Have a Marvelous Monday w/a Magnificent Massage! call NATTY!;)***AVAIL NOW & LATE*** - 33
HANDS ON! male therapist, Women, men, couples, and body rubbers! - 36
(Salt Lake City, slc and surrounding areas)
fLaT RaTe!!!100 pErcEnt ReaL pIcS! 20 doLlaRs oFf tOdAY ! spEcIaL RatEs!! - 24
(Salt Lake City, Anywhere u are)
EXOTIC ♥ BUSTY ♥ PAMPERING YOU from head to toe! ♥ JUST ARRIVED♥ { visiting from MIAMI } - 22
(Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, Utah)
WOW****Hong kong new girl &&&you; will feel like a KING - 23
(Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City ,Taylorsvell,UT)
For The Best Call (801)759-7076 You Will Have THE BEST time And THE BEST deal! In Call Or Out Call! - 23
(salt lake sandy)
the SUN is ALWAYS shining when you're at BEACHES* Restart your day the RIGHT way! - 34
(Salt Lake City)
Escape from Ordinary into EXTRAORDINARY!!! with one of OUR Amazing relaxation sessions TONIGHT!!! - 24
(Salt Lake City)
COME and enjoy the BEACH! our GORGEOUS ladies and SKILLS matched to perfection! open until midnight! - 34
(Salt Lake City)
Come into the HOTTEST spa in Utah!! Warm up with our BEACH BUNNIES~ - 24
(Salt Lake City, 4500 So 515 E Bldg G Ste 120)
Thu 02 Jan
Texas Tornado waiting tonight to " breeze" you away.... - 47
(Salt Lake City, Does it really matter ?)
Spend YOUR Lunch with US and Receive $10 OFF 1 HR Nirvana Session! Talk about a PRETTY PICNIC!! - 25
(Salt Lake City)
“Eatable Panties”, $110 per hr. body rubs by Minnie (out call only) 801-308-8270 text message only - 56
(Salt Lake City)
Dont Be Used or Abused by Others..Be RENEWED & IMPROVED instead! CALL NATTY!(U WONT 4GET!) - 33
(Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City(downtown))
ELEVATE your night to a NEW Level of RELAXATION~ only at BEACHES!! - 23
(Salt Lake City, 4500 So 515 E Bldg G Ste 120)
ENJOY the Ocean Breeze or the Swaying PALM TREES~ SINK into the real Relaxation you DESERVE!! - 23
(Salt Lake City, 4500 So 515 E Bldg G Ste 120)