Tue 07 Jan
This T-Day Eve Take Some Time 4 U & Get a Massage 2 Put Ur Stress @ Ease! Call *NATTY*NOW&L8;!*! - 33
(Salt Lake City, Downtown(SLC))
CALLING ALL GENTLEMEN: All YOU Need to get this New Year Started with a Bang is right HERE!! - 28
(Salt Lake City, YOUR FANTASIES)
💋✘Cheri💋✘ Specials this week for return friends - 40
(Logan, Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City, St. George)
Mon 06 Jan
The Day Is Bright & U Should Be Too..Come Get A Massage & Feel Like A Whole New U!call NATTY!}OPN L8 - 33
(Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City(downtown))
Tired of the same old faces, Wanna try something new I'm new to back - 41
(Salt Lake City, salt lake and surrounding areas)
Experience a MATURE Relaxation Moment with CRICKET 801-529-3348 - 28
(Salt Lake City, Mid Valley - Outcall Valley wide)
cute girl nat looking to give some sensual massages in downtown salt lake ;) - 31 - 31
(Salt Lake City)
Sun 05 Jan
Take Some Time Just For U..Come Relax w/a Massage To Last The Whole Day Thru!*Call NATTY NOW;* - 33
(Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City(downtown))
***SuLtRy n SeXy CoUgAr will make u PURR! CLaSsY GoRgEouS &100% REAL! Available Now 8012003166!!* - 35
Fun Mature Redhead!! It's not my Birthday anymore, but I'm sure we can find something to celebrate! - 46
(Salt Lake City)
DOUBLE your PLEASURE DOUBLE your FUN or an AMAZING 1 on 1!! xoxox - 25
(Salt Lake City, SLC and surrounding areas)
Visit - "lil Debbie" 2 or 4 Hand (after 5 but schedule now - only 2 or 3 available times) - 26
(Salt Lake City, Mid-Valley - Close to 215)
DONT MISS OUT!█▓█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█S O F T-S E X Y-S W E E T█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ E X O T I C-B E A U T Y█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ - 22
(Salt Lake City)
Sat 04 Jan
*-:¦:-* —THE—D— E—F—I—N—I—T—I— O—N —— °*•OF•*° —— S—E—X— —Y— *-:¦:-* - 24
(Salt Lake City, Front Back Upside down whateveris clever)
tired of the same old faces wanna try something new....im new to backpage. - 25
(Salt Lake City, salt lake city, utah)
My first time!!! Cute girl in lingerie downtown! Im fun and excited to try this!!! ;) - 32
(east side near lds hospital at my place)
Fri 03 Jan
** SpEnD your SuNdAy w the HoTTesT CouGaR on BP!!! ExPerIeNce MY AMaZiNg TOuCh!!! **8017931005** - 35
(33rd & 7th west)
Tired of the same old faces, Wanna try something NeW - 42
(Salt Lake City, salt lake and surrounding areas)
SeXY&&SwEEt;, sEnSuAL, SeDuCtiVE SuNdAY w/ the stunningly beautiful BrOoke=] private Res. - 23
(Salt Lake City, ResIncallPrivateDiscreetCleanEastSide)
..~♥Feeling like a caged animal~restlessness&gut; wrenching need has B-come too much...open late♥~.. - 38
(Salt Lake City, salt lake area)
Feeling In a Daze Before the Holidaz? Relax & Call Knotty Natty Alwayz!;) - 33
(Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City/Centerville)
....♥...Need a little attention to those stressed, taut, tight muscles..?Ask about midnite specials. - 38
(Salt Lake City, salt lake area)
Come enjoy a Sensual Relaxing Rieki Energy Body Rub with SAMMY - 36
(Salt Lake City, Taylorsville Murray SLC)
Thu 02 Jan