Mon 06 Jan
*Don't hesitate when it comes to Faith! So Come get away with a price you'd pay!* - 22
(Salt Lake City, salt lake)
*** ?? EARLY RISER MORNING SPECIAL 110 by 1 PM today dont miss out call now - 38
°•Come2my New Place ♨ It's Quiet •° I'm All Alone °•♨ •°C*MEthis WeekEND ! ! °•♨ •° - 39
(Salt Lake City, West Endof 35OOSo)
*** ?? EARLY RISER MORNING SPECIAL 130 to all that come by 12:30pm - 38
*•~~Come feel the SINful ToUcH & SWeeT Heat of a SeXXy SeNsUaL MILF~~• - 29
(Salt Lake City, Downtown Slc)
Don't Let Your Day Be Gray..Come Get a Massage & Be Happy All Day!*(Call NATTY right away!;)* - 33
(Salt Lake City, DOWNTOWN; SLC)
Come 1& all, let me fulfill your deepest,dark & sweet, naughty secret fantasy.Halloween special. - 40
(Salt Lake City, sl,ut)
Don't B Fooled TODAY- Real PICS ! C*me TODAY with Megan Bloom ! ! 801-810-4782 - 23
(Salt Lake City, 38th S0 & redwd)
CALL for 3/24 specials *** $50/hr OPEN LATE *** {} DISCREET {} SENSUAL {} GETAWAY {} (801) 6379864 - 25
cute girl nat looking to give some sensual massages in downtown salt lake ;) - 31 - 31
(Salt Lake City)
CRAVE the WAVE~ its your time to KICK back and feel RELAXED on your own ISLAND!! - 34
(Salt Lake City)
Sun 05 Jan
~**~* SwEeT, SaSsY aNd CLaSsY ~*~ CaLL fOr A RuB dOwN oF a LiFe TiMe ~**~** - 23
(DoWnToWn LoCaTiOn)
💖💋💋💋 💞 💞 💞** ( SuP€r • S€x¥ ) ★•🍒🍒 ..yOUr ★*• ToTaL-: 🍒🍒★FaNTaSy ★ ♥ ( 1oO% R€aL) 🍒🍒✰ NiC3 * -💞 💞 💞 - 23
(Salt Lake City, Incall/Outcall)
TGIF!! Come get a BODY RUB !! °Great ° Reviews! •°•* TRUE* Flat Rates°··X°X°XMutual¡¡↔!- - 36
(Salt Lake City, TGIF Incall Special !!Freeway access)
~**~**SwEeT, sExY LeXi Is WaiTiNg FoR yOu~**~**CoMe HaVe SuM fUn WiTh Ur FaVoRiTe GiRL~**~** - 23
(DoWnToWn LoCaTiOn)
Take Some Time Just For U..Come Relax w/a Massage To Last The Whole Day Thru!*Call NATTY NOW;* - 33
(Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City(downtown))
Super sexy, sweet & sentual young lady... wanna date... dont wait...or else you'll be 2 late - 24
(Salt Lake City, south salt lake city)
This Saturday will separate the Men from the boy's!!! *Available now* Choose what I wear - 29
(Midvale, Salt Lake City)
*** Sweet , Southern and Simmering Hot √√√ Young and dumb I am not !!! ***Call Felice *** - 47
(Salt Lake City, Near downtown SLC /easy access off I-15)
SEXY• petite brunette• safe discreet Location• CLEAN• flat rate• let me make ur body quiver ;) - 22
(Salt Lake City, SLC)
Sunny Sunday Special With Sweet Southern Sass!100$ FLAT OPEN 24/7 IN&OUT; - 24
(Salt Lake City, salt lake city (downtown))
♥♥GET SOUTHERN best RACK♥♥mutual touching 24/7no tip no up sale 10%of early bird & moonlightspecial - 30
(Salt Lake City, incallcottonwoodheights outcall anywhere)
♥♡♥Downtown Outcall Special with the Sexiest Petite Blonde Blue Eyed Beauty in Utah♡♥♡ - 23
(Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City (Downtown))
Downtown Specials !! I am the Crème de la Crème...Come Explore a New Fantasy with Me. 💎💋 - 21
(Salt Lake City, Surrounding Areas)
"FLAT RATES" Call MAHOGANY All Week Incall and Out AHB Review'd - 29
(Salt Lake City, Close 2 downtown - Out Everywhere)
Enjoy A 5 Star Reviewed N*de FULLBODY RUB with Many Options ~ Reviews At NaughtNightLife com 9am-9pm - 37
📍📍 EARLY RISER SPECIAL is back from 8AM TILL 1:30PM📍📍😚💖😉😗 - 35
(Salt Lake City, DOWNTOWN SLC INCALL . outcall also avail)
Come in and See the Best... Stephanie LMT You'll be Glad you Did. $80 an hour 801-347-3795 - 31
(Salt Lake City, 4500 S 260 W east of I 15)
Watch Out For "NIRVANA WANNABE'S" - Feel The Difference - RELAXING REMEDY Til 1AM - Incall / Outcall - 22
(Salt Lake City)
XMaS EvE... sPeCiALs aLL NiGhT LoNG... hAVe U BeeN NaUGhtY oR NiCE?? - 33
(Salt Lake City, Salt lake city.)
~ ~ Visiting ~ ~ E l e g a n t ~ and ~ A l l u r I n g ~ CMT - 27
(Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City (in/out))
💚xdxfc♤♤♡♡♡ Ashley here& READY TO SPOIL U& take care u♡♡♡♤♤🔢💙SUNDAY SPECIAL - 38
(Salt Lake City, downtown INCALL)
Triple DDD's 💯% Great Reviews Sky's The Limit🌜☁️🌞 - 30
(Salt Lake City, Salt lake incall/outcall & outer areas)
Ushould*C*ME 2DAY! - U won't be sorry.°•♨ •° Relax with aMature TOUCH?°•♨ •°801-702-1249 - 39
(Salt Lake City, W35th S0 - 801-702-1249)
This NEW sensation is taking SLC by storm!!! Escape the COLD and WARM up with these BABES! - 22
(Salt Lake City)
Time 2 Let your XMAS TENSION Go with a SENSUAL R&R; SESSION- (435)232-0088 - 25
(Near Downtown Avenues)
💋💋💋 World's Se.x...X...xiest, 2 girl 260 diamond Specials!!!💋💋💋5'11 supermodel type! NEW VIDEO! - 26
(Salt Lake City, Downtown incall/ anywhere out)
Up Late,Need 2 Relax? Or Just Simmer Down?Come Get The Best Rub In Town! *Call NATTY! *AVAIL NOW!* - 33
TANTRA eXXcitement with everything u want 140/total hour - 38
(Salt Lake City, i80 exit 126 sugarhouse)
UPDATED location.. *** 2/4 $55/hr call 4 specials *** {} DISCREET {} SENSUAL {} GETAWAY {} - 25
📌📌📍Tired of the SAME OLD SONG & DANCE Look NO Further .📍📌📌 i'm back downtown gents come play.. - 39
(Salt Lake City, INCALL downtown s.l.c.)
UPDATED location.. *** 2/11 $55/hr call 4 specials *** {} DISCREET {} SENSUAL {} GETAWAY {} - 25
💫 Up Late❓ Stop by&See; Me👑 Holly 💋 Downtown 🐾Cougar🐾 Flat💲Rates💫 Available Now❗ - 39
(Downtown Salt Lake City, ut, Salt Lake City)
Lets Give Each Other A Massage ~ All Natural 36 ddd's ~ 9-9pm - 37
(Salt Lake City, private home downtown area)
No April Fool's Here..You're In the Clear..Come Get a Massage & Step Into Gear..Call NATTY NOW!;) - 33
(Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City(downtown))
DONT SETTLE 4 LESS THAN THE VERY BEST ~ Vet/Miltary Discount ~All Nude FULL Bodywork ~ 7am to 9pm - 37
(Salt Lake City, Downtown Private Home)