Mon 06 Jan
❤enjoy Quality time with me! I always have good flat rates for you Fine gentlemen! - 20
(Salt Lake City, outcall tonight 😘)
💋ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🍹🌹 ₦Ø₩💕 BẸẠỤŦł₣ỤŁ🌟 💋💗Ẹ¥Ẹ✨💎👑₡Ạ₦Ð¥ 💖 💙ŦØP💚💛 ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ💜💜#1 💝🌹MØ$Ŧ🎉🍭₩Ạ₦ŦẸÐ - 25
(Salt Lake City, slc)
~••On Point! From head 2 toe!!••~I'm all about making sure your DESIRES are met! AVAIL NOW!! Love MIA - 22
(Salt Lake City, Outcall/Incall SLC)
Cutest Girl Next Door, Unquestionably, Positively.. The Best! - 24
(Salt Lake City, Incall/Outcall SLC-PARK CITY)
Sun 05 Jan
SOUTHERN BELL enjoy the best hospitality around 24\7no upsale no tipoutspecial - 30
(Salt Lake City, incall sandyoutcallanywhereuneed)
Dont Settle For The Rest Come See The Best Available Now And All Night!!!!! - 27
(Salt Lake City, Taylorsville)
📍📍 EARLY RISER SPECIAL is back from 8AM TILL 1:30PM📍📍😚💖😉😗 - 35
(Salt Lake City, DOWNTOWN SLC INCALL . outcall also avail)
XMaS EvE... sPeCiALs aLL NiGhT LoNG... hAVe U BeeN NaUGhtY oR NiCE?? - 33
(Salt Lake City, Salt lake city.)
Cmon in for a little break from the NORM U will be HAPPY U Did (801) 205-693nineTinadollwj location - 38
(salt lake city)
** Call Nadia Now!! Available for One Unforgettable Hour!! Experience to fit Your Needs!! ** - 24
(Salt Lake City, Incall & Outcall in SLC)
Sat 04 Jan
THE BEST RACK AROUND never rushed 24\7no upsale no tipreq mutual toching - 30
(Salt Lake City, incall salt lake outcall anywhereuneed)
SuNdAy FuNdAy! SpEcIaL RaTes ToDaY OnlY! CoMe SeE ThIs ExoTiC GoDdEss! - 23
(Salt Lake City, anywhere u are)
💋💋💋 Very Late Tonight - Mature & Sensuous 💋💋💋 SexyShaY 385-445-2561 - 35
(Midvalley INCALL - Outcall SLC ParkCity, Salt Lake City)
NEW in SLC is the stress of life pulling you down?need a vaca close to home?come visit me, jaydan :) - 22
(Salt Lake City, Salt lake , Ogden , Orem , park city)
Fri 03 Jan
Shays back and with new rules I invite all my great clients, to Sum Naug"ty time with Shay ") ! - 33
(Salt Lake City, West jordan)
SOUTHERN BELL enjoy the best hospitality around 24\7no upsale no tip - 30
(Salt Lake City, incall murry outcall anywhereuneed)
FoRgEt AbOuT The ReSt* CoMe SeE ThE BeST** SpEcIaL RaTeS ToDAY!! - 23
(Salt Lake City, anywhere u are)
Gentleman- this exotic peurto rican beauty is sure to be on your list - Jolene - 22
(Salt Lake City, SLC)
Cutest Girl Next Door, Unquestionably, Positively.. The Best & in Park City - 24
(Salt Lake City, incall/outcall slc-parkcity)
Cutest Girl Next Door, Unquestionably, Positively.. The Best & in Park City! - 24
(Salt Lake City, incall/outcall slc-parkcity)
Come Have A drink With Me Abd Let Me Rub U Down Tonite Available all Nite long!!!!! - 27
(Salt Lake City, Downtown slc)
Thu 02 Jan