My dirty little mouth needs to be washed out with you want to do it?

Posted : Monday, January 27, 2025 12:19 AM | 7 views

I've been such a dirty little talker lately...and not even on the phone. But right in person. Should I clean up my act? Nah. By the way, do you, right now....want to be totally safe and sound but feel like you're breaking all the rules? Then call me. First, let me say sorry for the cloak and dagger routine but I AM DISCREET! THE MOST DISCREET! I even have a silly little pass-phrase but since it indicates what you're calling about right off the bat and makes it simple for both of us, it's not so silly if you think about it. Just dial me up 8014859044 and say "my credit card is on file," and then you're off to a great start at the best session you ever had! I invented the flat rate because I don't like to be hustled for tips. Do you? Everybody HATES it! So two Benjamin Franklins will earn you up to an hour of the very best gift you can give yourself today. The session is about you and everything that makes you happy...not about me because I'm already happy just to see you...but you're curious so here are the facts about me: 5'7, 115 lbs 35c-24-34 long silky hair and perfectly satiny soft hands. I have a dirty mouth that needs to be washed out with soap because I love fantasy talk. Don't you? Call me and you can come and see my little mynx pole dancing set up. It's pink and pretty, and if you're good, maybe I'll show you a move or two after your body rub. No charge. oriental massage salt lake city,asian scort,massage slc ut,venus bodyrub,801-600-8264,slc male massage,salt lake city rubmaps,rubmaps .com,massage parlor utah,asian massage parlor experience
  • Poster's age : 27
  • Mobile :
  • City : Salt Lake City
  • Location : sugarhouse